The following is a list of the current crops that we are growing:
Processing tomatoes, squash, cantaloupe, watermelons, cucumbers, wheat, rice, corn (red, blue, yellow and white), barley, hemp, vine seed, winter and summer cover crop seed, alfalfa, dry beans and sunflower.
Please contact us for additional information or to request additional crops. Crops are normally contracted a year in advance. We have flexibility in our planting to accommodate interest in the market as it fluctuates and the company can grow all crops for seed if preferred.
Organic Standards and Certification
As a leader in the organic movement since 1973, CCOF helped create the current USDA National Organic Program (NOP) regulations. The NOP requires that all foods labeled as “certified organic” must be grown and processed according to strict standards. Growers, handlers, retailers, restaurants, and any other operation marketing its products as organic must all be inspected by a USDA-accredited third-party certifier, such as CCOF, to ensure that all the rules necessary to meet these standards are being followed.
The Benefits of Organic Certification
The presence of the USDA and/or CCOF seal on a product guarantees that the product has been grown, produced, inspected, and certified to be in compliance with federal organic regulations. The USDA organic seal represents to consumers that someone is working behind the scenes to guarantee that their food is safe and healthy. CCOF is happy to be that someone. We are proud of the role we play in protecting the integrity of organic for the consumer.
Taking Thoughtful Farming to the Next Level:
In the summer of 2022 Park Farming Organics (PFO) received Regenerative Certification from two certifying agencies-A Greener World (AGW) and Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC). For both agencies, PFO is the first diversified, large row crop farm to qualify in California.
What does a regeneratively certified organic farm mean? It means the farm was closely scrutinized by regenerative inspectors to verify the farm has a consistent, positive impact on soil, the environment, animals, and the employees. Both agencies emphasize documentation to support the farm practices show a trend of improvement in all areas mentioned above. Achieving certification was a very challenging, time consuming task even though PFO has been farming in a regenerative fashion for many years. Buyer of PFO crops, such as La Tourangelle (sunflower oil) and Pacific Foods (tomato soup) can now proudly display Regenerative Certified Organic icons on their products.
Another certifying agency, Real Organic Project (ROP) certified PFO in 2021. A certification from ROP means PFO is growing organic crops in real soil and animals are pasture feed. An ROP certification says the crops from PFO are grown in the original, true spirit of organic farming. We are proud to have certification from CCOF, AGW, ROC, and ROP!
Park Farming is relatively small with only 17 full time employees, but each one plays a key roll in the farm's success.
Being a family farm means all members experience what farm life truly means. Corbin and Hannah Park and their cousins, Lena and Kade Lovelady, with Ulla enjoy helping every chance they get.
Water plays a vital role in the production of all crops and we are fortunate enough to have the water we need to grow healthy plants for our consumers.
Vine seeds are just one of the many crops Park Farming grows. They're good for the rotation as well as tasty!
The Yuba-Sutter area has some great views but we think the view we have of the smallest mountain range in the world, The Sutter Buttes, might just be the best!
Our long time employee, Cruz, stood in one of our newest cover crops, Sunn Hemp, to show the quick
growth after 45 days.